Hey, I'm back.
Well, I didn't go anywhere, apart from being soooo busy with the univeristy life. I mean, the amount of assignments we get, it seems like i'm gonna get grey hairs in my 20's. lol.
anyway, how's the 'hearing' of mine. I must say, it's still improving and its still get
ting better. I begining to wonder if I could have a 2nd implant on my right ear. That way I could hear out of both ears. Well, doubt that will happen just yet with the NICE guildline etc. I suppose i'll have to wait so, that's what i'm hoping for at the moment. The hearing aid for the right ear is pointless. I never bothered wearing it.
My confidence is still growing and I've now notices that I don't rely on the interpreters as much now than I used to. I still have them at university, but I do like to listen to the lectures myself and if I didn't quite understood what's being said, I look at the interpreters.
I also like to use my voice alot more now. At uni, I'm always chatting away with my mates and I do like to answer any question that the lectures ask my self, poor interpreter that I have sits there and do nothing and only does some work when I ask them something. My English is also improving, it's getting better and hearing the language makes it easier. :-)
So, what have I heard over the past few weeks? I heard Voices on the tv that I am able to understand some words without subtitles. Last weekend I watched the X-factor.
X-factor is another talent show that I've started to watch. Last year, I never bothered with it. This year, I have been because I able to hear them sing. While I were watching it, they were at the stage where they had to vote someone off, because the subtitle delay while the programme is on 'LIVE' I got fed up waiting to see who were voted off, so, I tried to listen to the names they called out between the 2 people that won't be coming back the following week. So, when they shout out the name that is not coming back to next week live show, I was able to follow it. Wow, I was surprised that I heard the name right. woop!
anyway, over the
next 2 weeks. I have alot of things coming up. I have a Halloween day at Alton towers with a few friends, I have still not yet decided on what to wear, though I better nip into town this week to get some halloween dress, maybe I should be a witch or a maybe grotbags. It be good to see what spooky noises I could hear while I'm at alton towers. Last year I went and I dressed up as a devil and while we were walking one of my hearing friends jumped out from behind theses trees and I were looking the other way and he shouted boo! Somehow, he forgot that I were deaf and I didn't respond to him or got scared by him when he tried to make me jump. This year, now I can hear, I better watch out!!!
Saturday next week, theres an Adults C.I users day going off at the Ear Founation, so, this should be a good day for me to attend and see what new to learn and of course meet some other C.I users. so, I'm looking forward to that ;-)
Also there bonfire night coming up. I'm dying to see some fireworks setting off, so, hopefully I will hear it. I haven't yet heard them so that's something I'm really looking foward to.
so, that's it for me now and Happy Halloween, ;-P Don't get too frighten and please be careful with the fireworks,make sure you stand somewhere that is safe to watch!
take care
k x